If you have not already picked up our free e-book make sure to subscribe on our home page and you will receive a copy in your email. The e-book is the start to your base of knowledge and will help you to use the tools that we have provided in this website to achieve metabolic balance.
The e-book details probiotics and the many reasons that these are important to your gut bacteria and metabolic health. We start with probiotics as they really will build a foundation for the rest of the solutions that we will introduce. Probiotics support decreasing inflammation, maintain metabolic balance, and absorption and utilization of the nutrients or supplements you take. Not only this some studies suggest probiotics help with keeping your immune system regulated and can have an effect on anxiety and cortisol levels. Taking a probiotic is really the first step to making sure that we start you out on the right foot with your metabolic journey. We can suggest Just Thrive Probiotics in a capsule form. You can also increase your diet in fermented and culture rich foods.
The next section of the blog will provide probiotic/prebiotic foods and supplements that you can incorporate into your diet. Keep in mind you do not have to make a meal out of these foods, but a couple bites a day is a good start. In the next blog, let’s first take a look at what probiotic foods we can find in your local grocery store.